So... I'm an emotional eater...
I had a "not so great" day at work today. The stress is high... it's musical week. That means time is limited and so are my patience. So I left school late about 6:15 and had no clue what to cook for dinner. I called Brandon and suggested dinner out. So as we drove toward the mall he suggested Samari. I greatfully agreed and the following words exited my lips " I could use some butter!" OMG. No I didn't!!! Yes I Did!!! (from the same lips that request that my food be cooked without butter at restaurants?)
I had done well all day. I even ate a healthy snack and had Cheerios instead of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast.....
The calorie bank was about to be overdrafted!!!!!
I ate about half my meal at Samurai.
I went easy on the white sauce, I skipped the tempura sushi, eggrolls, and noodles. Unfortunately that rice isn't brown because it's whole. that would be the soy sauce :(
After ordering but before our cook came to our grill my phone rang. It was my trainer scheduling our next appointment!!!! Yikes!!!! I felt so bad. I was lucky he didn't ask "what are you doing?". I would have been sunk. What would I have said ? .... " setting at an hibachi grill staring at a slab o butter that will shrink in size as my meal is cooked". ???
Today's Calories....
1252 / 1622 (over 370)
I have decided that I MUST reward myself for a job well done. Just as I do as a teacher with my students. If I only acknowledged the wrong doings they would dislike me and dislike my class... So instead I must (as I do with students) reward the positives. So I have decided to reward myself for a few things. One being every five pound increment has a reward to do something for myself that has nothing to do with food. Another being a reward for my actions not my actual weight.
So the first few rewards are as follows:
5 lbs - Tervis Tumbler that I have been wanting ( may seem silly )
10 lbs - new yoga pants
15 lbs - pedicure
20 lbs - Sperrys ( some new plaid ones that I spotted at Macys )
Action Reward. First full week (seven straight days) to be within my calorie bank by 50 calories each day - I will buy a new pair of flip flops for spring. My week starts tomorrow. (Tuesday)
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